
hosted by: momsbookcollection & mandathebiblio

Donna (DonnaMarieReads)


Manda (MandaTheBiblio)


Bingo & Weekly Challenge


Badges for November 2024

Readathin 2024 Yearly Guide

This guide is meant to help you form your TBR/Hopefuls lists each month. You can choose to read one single book that fits the prompt for the month or you can create your WHOLE TBR around it. You could even choose a week out of the month and read just books that fit that prompt, if you want.


  • January - Kick off the Year Right - Books that go for reading challenges you set

  • February - Love is in the Air - Books that have romance

  • March - Mini March - Small Books

  • April - April Showers - Books with nature on the cover

  • May - Readathin - Books that go toward this month's Readathin

  • June - Just for You - Read your favorites (genres, tropes, color on the cover, authors, etc.)

  • July - Giant July - Big Books

  • August - Will This Series Ever End?! - Books that are part of a series

  • September - Back to School - Books with a school setting

  • October - Scaredy Cat - Books that give Halloween Vibes

  • November - It's Fall, Y'all - Books with Fall Colored Covers

  • December - Free For All - Read anything you want

Reading Challenges

Read the shortest book on your TBRFind the book that has the least number of pages on your TBR and read that book
Have someone else chooseHave someone else choose the book that you read. One option for this is to choose a couple different books and have someone pick between them
Your 11th book on your TBR shelfOne way you can do this one is by counting the 11th unread book on your shelves. Or you could randomly choose a row on your shelves and count the 11th book. If you're using your Storygraph or Goodreads TBR, open your want to read shelf, choose whichever order you want (or randomly choose one) and find the 11th book
Read a book with a Fall item on the coverAny item that reminds you of Fall can count for this one. Sweaters, a hot drink, Fall-colored leaves, pumpkins, etc.
Next in a seriesRead the next book in a series. This can be the second book, third book, final book, etc. As long as it's NOT the first book
Read a book that has been on your shelf for more than two yearsSome people may need to count GoodReads or Storygraph for this one, if you're someone who doesn't keep a lot of unread books for long periods of time. But if you're anything like us, you have PLENTY to fit for this one.
Book you haven't heard anyone talk aboutFor this prompt, you can count books that aren't talked about often, but avoid really popular titles
Complete a reading challengeWhether this is a challenge you set for yourself for the month or you want to try to complete one of your yearly reading challenges, just get those challenges done
Read a book you've been putting offRead a book that you've been wanting to read, but for whatever reason, you haven't yet
A book you want to read before 2025We all probably have a list of books we want to read before the end of the year (even if we never wrote that list down), so now is your chance to read one of those
Book that includes the word "only"If, like a bunch of us, you're doing the Buzzword Challenge, this is your chance to get that book on your TBR since November's word is "only"
Mood ReadJust read a book you're really in the mood for

Activity Challenges

Self Care DayWhatever YOU classify as "self care," spend the day doing that. This can be taking the day to relax and reset or spending the day cleaning your entire house
Choose a 2025 ChallengeWe're going to have a bunch of recommendations for this prompt under the "Helpful Guides" section of this website so make sure to check back there for any recommendations that we can find
Participate in SprintsThese sprints do not have to be hosted by one of the Readathin hosts nor even technically be Readathin sprints. Participate in anyone's sprints for any amount of time and you're good. If you want to make it a challenge to do weekly or daily, feel free
Cozy Reading NightCozy up with a nice warm blanket, a hot beverage, and a good book or comfort show and spend the night just being cozy
Date NightThis is a prompt we have pretty much every round. Remember that this can be with a partner, friend, yourself, family member, etc.
Declutter SomethingThis can be something as small as a single drawer in your home or as big as your whole house, just declutter something that you've been saying needs it
Do a hobbyWe all have a hobby of some sort, whether it's doing something creative or playing video games or even reading, which we all definitely do, just do a hobby
30 minutes off screens once a weekFeel free to make this a daily challenge instead of weekly, but as long as you're taking the time to consciously stay off any screens for at least 30 minutes a week, then you're good
Go for a walk/sit outsideThe weather is cooling down in a lot of places, so make sure you're being careful. If you can't get out for a walk or to just sit outside, feel free to sit near a window in your home. Be safe first.
Movie Marathon Night or WeekendSpend a weekend just getting through some of those seasonal movies that you've been putting off or watch that series you've been wanting to see but haven't had the time
Make or buy a dessertWhether you decide to make the entire thing from scratch or just order it from your favorite restaurant or store, just treat yourself to a nice dessert
Make a winter reading listThere are going to be templates for this in the Templates section here on this website, but you don't have to use them. We've got two of them because Manda is extra and has a whole method to making their seasonal lists, so they decided to share that if you wanted to use it as well

2025 Reading Challenges

2025 GoodReads/Storygraph-This challenge isn't available yet, but it's just choosing the number of books you want to read during the year.
12 ChallengeTemplate by @ShadowBooker on InstagramI don't know who started this challenge, but it is one that I see around every year. The template I shared was made by ShadowBooker on Instagram. I'm not sure if she'll make a new one for 2025, but that template doesn't have a year on it, so it could work if you want to start planning it now.
The 52 Book ClubWebsiteThis hasn't been announced yet, but I do know that it's definitely happening in 2025, so I wanted to make sure to share it as a possibility. I'm not sure when the announcement will be going out, though.
A to Z Reading Challenge-I don't think this one has a specific link, but I do know that it's one that a lot of people end up doing. I'm sure there will be a Storygraph challenge for it, if there isn't already. This is the challenge to read a book that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Variations include author's name or allowing you to count the title of the book or the author's name.
Around the Year in 52 BooksGoodReadsObviously this challenge has 52 prompts, but they all are fairly easy to fulfill, in my opinion. They also have the option to use a "wildcard" if there's a prompt that's just a bit too much out of your comfort zone.
Comet Readings' 2025 Reading ChallengeAnnouncementI stumbled across this one in my journey and it looks super interesting! There are 52 challenges for this one and a lot look like they can definitely be easily combined with other reading challenges you're doing!
Diverse Baseline Challenge-There hasn't been an official announcement for 2025, but the creator (bookish.millennial on Threads) did say that she was going to continue into 2025.
2025 Easy Reading ChallengeStoryGraphThis reading challenge gives one prompt for each month, so you only need to read 12 books to complete it!
The Hardest Reading ChallengeAnnouncement VideoThis was announced in June 2024, but I personally decided to just wait and start it in 2025 so I have the full year to complete it instead of starting halfway through it. So I wanted to share it as a 2025 challenge as well.
2025 TBR "I Spy"StoryGraphThis was on Storygraph, but I'm not sure if there's an actual announcement anywhere. These prompts seem to be based on finding specific things on the covers of the books you're reading.

Possible Challenges Coming

BookRiot's Read HarderI have a feeling that BookRiot will return with a 2025 challenge, but I haven't seen anything about it just yet.
Buzzword Reading ChallengeThere hasn't been any news on another Buzzwordathon just yet, but as soon as I hear something, I'll let you all know. This challenge is hosted by Kayla at BooksAndLala, though, and I do think it will be returning again.
2025 Motif Reading ChallengeAnother that I think will be coming back for a 2025 challenge, but we'll have to wait and see.
PopSugar Reading ChallengePopSugar hasn't announced their 2025 challenge yet, but I'll be keeping an eye out for it, for sure. I believe they've been doing this challenge for 10 years and 2025 will be year 11, so I would hope that they continue! I fully expect them to.
2025 Read Your BookshelfThis reading challenge has been around for 5 years now and I do think it will return for year 6, but Chantel from Chantel Reads All Day hasn't made any announcements yet.
Romanceopoly ChallengeNo announcement just yet, but still holding out hope for another year! (I try this one every year and always fail at it, but maybe 2025 will be my year!)
TBR KnockoutThis challenge is hosted by Melanie over at CompletelyMelanie and it is focused on reading books from your TBR based on two different challenges each month. From what I've seen, Melanie hasn't said anything about a 2025 round, but I have a feeling that it will be coming back.

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2024 Rounds