hosted by: momsbookcollection & mandathebiblio
Donna (DonnaMarieReads)

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Badges for February 2025
Reading Challenges
Prompt | Explanation |
Finish your current read | Whatever book you went into February reading, finish that book |
Read a book off your owned shelves | This can be your physical shelves, ebook, or audiobook. But read a book that you own |
A book in a series | This can be any part of the series, but I would highly recommend reading one that helps you continue a series rather than starting a new one |
Forgotten on your shelf or eReader | Those Stuff Your Kindle days and sales at bookstores really do get to us all, don't they. Read a book you got and then forgot you had |
Black History Month: Read a book by a Black author | This one is pretty self explanatory. Read a book that was published by a Black author |
A book from a previous TBR list | Read any book that you've put on a previous TBR before, whether it's a monthly one, one you made for a readathon, or even one you put on your 2024 TBR |
Book on your TBR you've been avoiding | We all have those books that we know full well that we've been putting off reading for whatever reason, so now's the time to read that book |
Read a book with water-related words in the title | If you're doing the Buzzword Title Challenge like I know a lot of us are, then you probably already planned to do this anyway. But just read a book that has some water-related word in the title |
Read a book toward your 2025 reading goals | Easy peasy! Whatever goal you choose, whether it's one about reading what you want or a specific challenge, read a book that goes toward that |
Read a banned book | There are lists ALL over the internet of books that have been banned for various reasons. |
Read a sweet book | Whatever you'd classify as "sweet." Safe bets would be romances or cute contemporaries. Shoujo manga could work as well. |
Read a book you bought on a whim | This can also go back to another Stuff Your Kindle book since if you're anything like me, those are all on a whim. But any book that you bought on a whim, so cover buys or ones that you didn't really look too much into before getting it |
Activity Challenges
Prompt | Explanation |
Self Care Day | Whatever YOU classify as "self care," spend the day doing that. This can be taking the day to relax and reset or spending the day cleaning your entire house |
Declutter/Clean Something | We always have the declutter prompt, but we added cleaning something to it as well for the people who may not want to "declutter" |
Do something creative | Whatever you do that you would count as "creative" counts. This can be posting a picture to social media, crocheting, journaling, anything creative |
Cozy reading night | Cozy up with a nice blanket, hot drink, and a snack and get some reading done! |
Date Night | Whether you do this with a partner or a friend or yourself, just treat yourself to a nice little date |
Daily Dice Roll = Reading Time | This one is a bit more in-depth than the rest of the prompts. To generalize, you're rolling a dice to determine an amount of time to read for. The easiest way to do it is rolling a 6-sided dice and adding a zero to whatever you get. Then trying to read for that amount of time every day. So if you roll a 4, you'd try to read for 40 minutes a day. Note: you don't have to read for that amount every single day, but trying to make an effort to hit that most days is the goal |
Play a game | This can be a board game, card game, video game, any type of "game" you choose |
Get some fresh air | We know in some places it's going to be very cold, so only do this to the best of your ability without putting yourself in danger. Go for a walk, sit outside, sit next to a window. Whatever you can manage to get some fresh air |
Participate in reading sprints | These don't have to be ones that are hosted by one of the Readathin hosts, but just join into some reading sprints that someone is hosting. Even if that means running some yourself. |
Make a Spring Hopefuls List | Make a list of books that you hope to read this Spring! There are a few templates in the templates section of this website (if they aren't up right now, they will be soon), but feel free to make this list however you see fit |
Make an Ins and Outs List | For this one, make a list of things that you want to "bring in" to this year and things you want to "get out." These can be bookish or not and you don't have to share them |
Watch Something | Whether it's YouTube, a movie, a tv show, or whatever! Just take a break from reading and watch something! |
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